
Good Morning Ma’am & Sir,

Ishe-share lang po ang Article na ito in connection with the BOC Random Checking.  Salamat po!!

MANILA (UPDATED) - The Bureau of Customs (BOC) will no longer randomly open balikbayan boxes, the bureau announced Monday night.

The BOC, in a press statement, said the decision was made after President Aquino met with Customs chief Alberto Lina and Cesar Purisima earlier in the day.

"[Aquino] emphasized that OFW families view the balikbayan box as an integral part of the family relationship to nurture loved ones at home and as a tangible sign of their love and concern for their family members," the bureau said.

To prevent tampering or theft of the content of balikbayan boxes, Aquino ordered the Bureau of Customs to immediately do the following:

"First, there will be no random or arbitrary physical inspection of balikbayan boxes. Moving forward, all containers of balikbayan boxes should undergo mandatory x-ray and K-9 examination--at no cost to the sender or the OFW," the statement said. "Only in cases where there are derogatory findings from the x-ray or K-9 examination will there be a physical inspection of goods."


I will send a package to the Philippines.

Same rate until jumbo BOX50kg.

Jumbo BOX:75cmX55cmX63cm

Up to half BOX 50kg, same rate

Half BOX:37cmX55cmX63cm

For one person driver, please, to track, the load and suffer together heavy luggage.

Ito ay Fukuyama Transporting pagpapadala invoice isa sa 1BOX.

Mangyaring mag-ingat tungkol sa iyo at kung ito ay lumampas sa maximum na timbang, labis na singil, dahil ito ay tumatagal ng.

kent planning cargo
kent planning cargo

It is written also in prohibited items, but fragile, please be packing by the attention in fragile packing. Fragile breakables, put in the center of the luggage, to reduce the impact, thank you. (Dropping the luggage, such as with a lift) from external, and by increasing get to that which can be identified with the shock, but is willing to consider a resolution in discussion, when you carry the luggage, there will be rolling up, down, left, or right you. Packing, ensure, to the contents of the gap, thank you.

From June 1, 2023, the following fees will apply.

Application Form


Box, shipping fee will be raised.

Jumbo BOX 1 sheet 800 yen

Half BOX 1 sheet     550 yen


Philippines shipping fee

Jumbo box 1 box      10,300 yen

2 in 1 half box 2 box 10,300 yen

Half BOX 1 box            7,100 yen

Thank you for shipping soaring shipping in Japan.

Regional price list

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Microsoft Excel Table 52.5 KB

Collection request

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Transfer account

ゆうちょ銀行(Post office) 



 Kent Planning Cargoの口座です


記号 01970

番号 6-44045

氏名 ケントキカク